The proceedings have been approved at the meeting of the Sibelius Academy's Academic Council on 3rd May 2016.
1. The dress code is agreed upon by the Candidate, the Artistic Committee and the Chair. Typically, the dress code is academic dress, which for men consists of a tailcoat, a black waistcoat and a white bowtie. Formal evening dress includes black socks and shoes (not patent leather), but no pocket handkerchief. Women wear a black dress or a two-piece suit (no floor-length hems or too-deep necklines). Hats or prominent jewellery are not to be worn. Acceptable examination apparel may also include a dark suit, clerical dress, military uniform, or a national costume. Doctoral degree-holders should carry their doctor’s hat in their left hand.
2. Participants in the examination should arrive at the occasion in the following order: the Doctoral Candidate, followed by the Chair, and finally the Examiners.
3. Next, the Chair opens the examination by declaring, “As the Chair appointed by the Sibelius Academy’s Board, I hereby declare the Public Examination of N. N.'s Demonstration of Proficiency open.” The Chair, the Examiners and the public sit down; the Candidate remains standing. The Chair briefly introduces the doctoral project, the Candidate, the Examiners, and the general outline of the occasion.
4. The Candidate gives (while still standing) his/her lectio praecursoria. The lectiofollows the instructions of the lectioin the arts and research study programme, and itis made up of a musical performance and/or a lecture according to the orientationof the development project. The lectioshould last a maximum of sixty minutes. The lectiobegins with the words “Honoured Chair, honoured Examiners, ladies and gentlemen”.
5. After the lectio praecursoriais finished, the Candidate says, “I hereby call upon you, honoured Examiners appointed by the Sibelius Academy's Board to evaluate my Demonstration of Proficiency and to present the critical comments you deem it deserves.”
6. Each Examiner gives his/her statement on the general issues of the Demonstration of Proficiency. Statements are given standing, but each Examiner standsonly while giving his/her own statement; the Candidate stands while listening to the statements. After the last statement, the last Examiner and the Candidate sit down.
7. The actual examination of the Demonstration of Proficiencybegins. First, the Examiner(s) focus(es) on general issues and methods, after which a detailed examination takes place. If there are more than two examiners,they,together with the Chair of the event, can determine in advance how the examination is to be conducted. The Examiner(s) may use a maximum of four hours for the examination.The Chair can declare an intermission as necessitated by the length of the examination.
8. After finishing the examination, the Examiner(s)and the Candidate rise, and the Examiner(s)make a final statement: “On the grounds of the statements heard, the materials examined and the discussion heard today, I/we propose that the Demonstration of Proficiency is/is not accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Music.”The final statement can be formulated according to the contentand orientationof the Demonstration of Proficiency. The Candidate thanks the Examiner(s).
9. The Candidate then turns to the audience and says, “After this, I recommend that those esteemed persons present who might have critical comments on my Demonstration of Proficiency ask the Chair for the floor."
10. The Chair presides over the discussion and selects speaking turns so that the Candidate is allowed to answer each comment without delay; the Chair also monitors the discussion to ensure that the comments stay on topic.
11. The examination, which may take a maximum of six hours, is then closed by the Chair, who stands to do so. The Chair prepares a description of the examination event for the Academy Board.