You must register as a university student each academic year if you are a degree student at Uniarts Helsinki or if you are completing non-degree pedagogical studies for teachers.
You can complete studies only as an attending student. You must register as an attending or a non-attending student also for the academic term when you are graduating. You may register for non-attendance and still graduate only if you have completed all the studies required for your degree and submitted your thesis project for examination during the previous academic term.
If you are planning to complete exchange studies or a traineeship abroad, you must register as an attending student.
If you are an Open University student, contact your study coordinator directly to take care of the registration.
If you are liable to pay the annual tuition fee, contact Hanna Björksten directly to take care of the registration.
More information on Student Uniarts page.
First-year students have their separate registration instructions.