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Sibelius Academy Guide for Doctoral Studies in Music: Thesis / Dissertation Layout and Formatting Guide

General about layout and formatting



Here, written theses mean written works that are part of a doctorate, such as artistic theses and (scholarly) dissertations (including ones in PDF format). Here, they are all called ‘book’ or ‘thesis’.

The instructions are recommendations and they concern mainly the layout of the text, only rarely the content. The approval and potential grade of a written thesis ultimately depend on its content. However, the layout of a written thesis must fulfil certain criteria: it must be orderly, easy to read, and consistent and demonstrate a knowledge of academic practice. The following instructions are based on a long academic tradition and they have been honed through active use.

The layout of a written thesis should not try to exhibit the author’s personality; on the contrary, the layout should demonstrate the author’s ability to comply with the rules and practices of the community in question.

If the language of the written thesis is other than Finnish, the spelling and formatting rules of that language are followed. Whether the practices concerning academic texts in a foreign country are complied with is a matter to be resolved separately.

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