The written work of a doctorate is either a(n artistic) thesis (Arts Study Programme), a dissertation (Research Study Programme), or a written report of a project (Applied Study Programme). The end of your doctoral studies are near when this written work is almost complete. When this happens, you should first personally contact Senior Advisors Sirpa Järvelä in Doctoral School or Samuli Korkalainen in MuTri Doctoral School to go through the steps of the process together.
Please, note that the full completion of a degree lasts several months (at least five), because the degree is discussed in the Academy Board and the Board´s Division for Doctoral Educaton and Research on three separate occasions (cf. meeting times):
In practice, the time scheme only exceptionally allows the appointment of the pre-examiners and the public examination / defence be during the same academic semester.
In determining the date for the public examination / defence it is important to have sufficient time not only for the examiners to write their statements but also for the making of possible corrections, printing and public display (10 days for the academic community to inspect).
After the pre-examiners have sent in their statements, at least about 1,5 months is needed. Thus the period from submitting the work to the examiners to the public examination / defence is close to five (5) months. Because of the summer season it is not possible to organize a public examination / defence on Sundays or in July or August.
The date for the public examination/defence cannot be fully decided before the permission given by the Academy Board (point 3). However, because of practical reasons, the candidate may preliminary book a hall and request those concerned to hold the respective date in their calendars. The preliminary bookings should be made so that the timetables of the Academy Board, printing, and the 10 days’ display comply.
Below is a list of the final steps for completing a degree.
1. TurnitIn certificate of the manuscript of the written work
2. Appointing pre-examiners and a proof-reader & pre-examination (Academy Board)
3. Possible final degree concert (Arts Study Programme)
4. Verification of supplementary studies
5. Permission for public examination / defence (Academy Board)
6. Setting a date fot the public examination / defence event
7. Possible corrections to the manuscript (and/or website)
8. Publication and public display of the written material
9. Public examination / defence event
10. The evaluation of the public examination / defence (Academy Board´s Division for Doctoral Educaton and Research))
11. Applying for a diploma