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Performing Arts: Theses

Master theses in the library

Where can I find Master's theses completed at the Theatre Academy?

Institutional repository Taju

The easiest way to read theses is to find full-text versions (pdf) of theses stored in institutional repository Taju in Arsca web library, for example by the author’s name. You can also browse the collection of theses directly in Taju


If a thesis is not available in Taju, it can be found on the bottom floor of Sörnäinen Campus Library in the thesis shelf, class 22.01. At the moment the library stores Master's theses between years 2021 and 2022 after which those will be transferred to the Uniarts Helsinki Archive.

Uniarts Helsinki Archive

N.B! Delivery of theses from the archive will be interrupted from August 2024 until the end of October 2024 due to staff shortages.

Theses from year 2020 and older can be found in the Uniarts Helsinki Archive. The location and class of a thesis transferred to the repository in Arsca search service are shown as “Uniarts Helsinki Archive, Not for home loan and ”Arkisto Teak Opinnäytteet”.

To reserve archived materials you would like to view, click on the “Contact us” button beside the record of the document in Arsca or send a message to the library (, in which you list the works you would like to access. 

You should be prepared to wait for a few days for archived material. We will send you an e-mail when the material is available in Sörnäinen Campus library. The material is not available on loan or inter-library loan.

Please note that:  

  • archived materials may not be taken out of the library 
  • archived materials are only available during the opening hours of the library’s customer service 
  • the use of archived materials may be subject to restrictions, which we will tell you about when the material is handed over 
  • the reading time of archived materials is two weeks.

Theses as an information sources

Theatre Academy graduate theses and dissertations as well as related artistic parts that have been delivered to the library are available together with licentiate theses and doctoral dissertations which can be searched in Arsca.

Some of the theses can also be found in the institutional repository Taju in electronic format. The Acta Scenica series includes doctoral dissertations from the Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke and miscellaneous peer-reviewed research on dance and theatre.

Theses and related attachments are available for reading room use but not for interlibrary loan. Recordings of artistic work included in thesis projects can be watched in the Library’s space for groupwork and you can search for artistic works in Arsca using the name of the author or the piece.

Fully text-based data produced at the University of the Arts Helsinki, such as doctoral theses, MA and Licentiate theses, artistic research, research articles, publication series and education material are stored in the institutional repository Taju

Thesis template for Master's students

The Theatre Academy has its own electronic thesis template

You can find the thesis template on the Uniarts students' website.

The library offers guidance on using the thesis template. More information about guidance times can be found on the pages of the Uniarts students.


Publishing guide

Instructions for publishing theses

Publishing guide : Submitting theses to Taju 

In questions related to writing your proficiency demonstration, you will get help from your thesis supervisor or your academy's study services. The library helps in questions related to submitting your work into Taju through .

Instructions for compiling a list of references and information on reference techniques at the Theatre Academy

ImagOA guide - Open science and use of images

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Humanities and Social Sciences collection contains approximately one million theses projects in full from around the world, a majority being doctoral theses. An indispensable help when working on your thesis.

Theses from other Finnish universities

The reference information on other Finnish universities’ theses and dissertations can be found in National Finna search service

Saavutettavuusseloste | Accessibility statement