Most e-book scan be read online on your browser but are also available to download in PDF or EPUB format, when you can read them offline. Most of the e-books available from EBSCO, Ebook Central and Ellibs are DRM protected, and you need a dedicated e-book reader software. Read more about Digital Rights Management (DRM).
Donwloadn instructions below apply to all DRM protected e-books. If necessary, see service specific instructions on international and Finnish e-books.
Follow these steps to start using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE).
Strictly speaking ACSM-files are links or tokens, that ADE uses to download e-books from Adobe's servers.
As of February 12, 2025, e-books from the Finnish e-book service Ellibs can be downloaded only to Thorium Reader. The software can be installed independently from the Microsoft Store for PCs (including Uniarts maintained PCs), and for Mac users directly from the program's website. Read more in the library's Ellibs guide.
If you wish to read a DRM protected e-book on other deivces than just the one you used to download it, you need a personal Adobe ID. You can get it for free. Adobe ID is used to authorize your devices (laptop, iPad etc.) and synchronize e-books between them. You only need to authorize a device once.