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UniartsCRIS: Add publications

Uniarts Helsinki's UniartsCRIS system guide.

Uniarts Helsinki teachers, researchers and doctoral students report their publications, artistic activity and research activities (experts task) to UniartsCRIS system.

Submit publication with DOI

Begin submitting a publication from the “Submit a new publication” link on the front page, or from the “Add” button on the “Publications” page.

If your publication has a DOI, copy it without the prefix to the DOI field.

Publication DOI field.

Hit enter or click the magnifying glass icon. If the publication’s information is available, UniartsCRIS retrieves the reference and notifies that “DOI found from Crossref”.

Reference retrieved with publication DOI.

Choose ”Import publication metadata” next if the information is correct. If a publication was found in UniartsCRIS with the same DOI, you receive a notification that “The publication’s data already exist in the system” (see image below). You can inspect the publication but you can’t submit a new publication with the same DOI. If an edited book has a single DOI and the chapters in it don’t have individual DOIs, report such chapters without a DOI. See “Submit publication manually” on this page.

Notification when DOI is already in the system.

When you have imported the publication data, next you have to choose the form and type of publication from the drop-down menus. If you have to change your selections, choose “Empty selections”.

Drop-down menus of different publication types and attributes.

After selecting correct publication attributes, the rest of the submission form opens. Here you can see the information retrieved eith the DOI. Edit the metadata if necessary (f.ex. “Page numbers” field might include an article number instead of page numbers).

Add rest of the information. Mandatory fields are marked with *. See also “Submit publication manually” on this page: the detailed instructions apply to publications you submit with DOI.

NB: funding information is not a mandatory field but it is important to add that information, especially if the research is funded by, for example, The Research Council of Finland.

Submit publication manually

Begin submitting a publication from the “Submit a new publication” link on the front page, or from the “Add” button on the “Publications” page.

Choose “Publication doesn't have DOI” and type the name of the publication in the field below to check if the publication is already in UniartsCRIS. Sometimes publications with the same name might already be in UniartsCRIS, especially editorials or introductions. If the publication isn’t in UniartsCRIS yet, click “Submit a new publication”.

Publication DOI section.

Next you have to choose the attributes of the publication from the drop-down menus to determine the publication type. If you have to change your selections, choose “Empty selection”.

Publication attributes.

After selecting the publication attributes, the rest of the submission form opens. Add rest of the information. Mandatory fields are marked with *.

Add authors as instructed in the guidance. First add all authors to the text field, and then add the first author affiliated to Uniarts to the First author field. Add other Uniarts authors by clicking the Add new button. If the publication was done in another unit than what is automatically retrieved from the HR system, change or add the correct unit.

Authors of the publication section.

Check that the title of publication is correct.

In the Publication channel section add the title of journal or series. If the publication is part of f.ex. edited volume (ie. book chapter) which isn’t part of any series, choose “No series”. Locate the correct journal/series from the list that opens, or if it isn’t available, type the full title and choose the option “Add new: xxx xxx…”

Publication channel information section.

Publisher information should be filled usually only when you have selected “No series” in the previous section. If you think that the publisher is in the Jufo system, choose “Yes” in the “Publisher has Jufo classification” section, and search the publisher from the list by typing in its name. If you can’t find the publisher from the list, choose “No”, and type in the publisher’s name.

Publisher search from Jufo.

In the Classification and additional information section the Ministry of Education and Culture’s field of science classification is mandatory information. The most common fields of science used at Uniarts (6131 and 6132) can be found by typing “613” in the field.

Classification and additional information section.

Uniarts Helsinki requires researchers to self-archive their scientific, peer-reviewed publications which are published behind a paywall, when allowed by the publisher. Attach the Final Draft version of the publication by clicking the “Add new file” button and choose “I wish to self-archive my publication”. See the publishing guide’s self-archiving page for more information. The library checks the publisher’s self-archiving policy when validating the submission.

Self-archiving section.

Finally, preview the information and submit the publication for processing. If any of the required information is missing, saving the record will not work. Fill in the missing information if needed.

”Save” in the end of the preview.

"Submit the publication for processing" section, with the options to go back or save.

After this, the publication goes to the library for validation. Library staff might include additional metadata, ask you about the publications, change its type or other information, or even delete it from UniartsCRIS if doesn’t fulfill the Ministry of Education and Culture’s publication criteria. After the library staff has checked the publication, it will appear in UniartsCRIS, and submitted further to the ministry’s VIRTA publication information service.