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Fine Arts: Articles and Databases

In English


Uniarts students and staff have access to all databases subscribed to Uniarts by library also for example from home via Uniarts library's list of databases.

E-material and databases as sources of information

Where can I find e-resources related to fine arts or contemporary art?

  • e-journals and databases are available via Arsca. Use "International e-material search" if you would like to search only e-material.
  • List of databases and links to the databases available from the library's list of databases. Use the filters if you would like to limit your list to Fine Arts resources.

Can I use the e-resources outside the university premises?

Uniarts students and staff can access the database remotely with Uniarts username and password. 

International e-materials search

Arsca logo

International e-materials search: online links to e.g. numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies, articles and e-books from many different disciplines and publishers.


Reference works and dictionaries

Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)

Comprehensive vocabulary describing information on fine art, architecture, decorative art, and material culture. Freely available. Freely available on the web from the Getty Information Institute.

Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)

Database of over 100,000 artists and architects, including biographical and bibliographical information. Freely available on the web from the Getty Information Institute.

Getty Vocabularies

Getty Vocabularies contain structured terminology for art, architecture, decorative arts, archival materials, visual surrogates, conservation, and bibliographic materials. Compliant with international standards, they provide authoritative information for catalogers, researchers, and data providers. Freely available on the web from the Getty Information Institute.

Historical dictionary of Rococo art

Grove Art Online

The foremost scholarly art encyclopedia, updated regularly and covering global art and architecture from prehistory to present day.

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