Institutional repository Taju : Uniarts Helsinki's institutional repository Taju contains full-text theses (pdf) completed after 2015 if the author has given permission for their publication. Theses saved in Taju can also be read remotely.
From 2023 onwards you can read all master’s theses either in Open Access or Limited Access
Library: At the moment Master's theses completed at the Academy of Fine Arts between years 2021-2022 are stored in Sörnäinen Campus Library, but later on they will be transferred to the Uniarts Helsinki Archive. Theses are not available on loan or inter-library loan.
Works stored in the library can be recognised in Arsca web library by their location and class indicated as ”Sörnäinen Campus Library, Closed Stacks Theses, Not for home loan” and ”Srn 22.02”.
Theses 2020-2022 are stored in the collaboration space KO-165 on the top floor of the library. To read them, you must make a booking in the printed calendar which is displayed outside the door of the shared space and replaced every week on Mondays. The booking must be within the opening hours of the library's customer service. Check the up-to-date opening hours in Arsca. In other words, theses can only be viewed during the opening hours of the library's customer service, even if the room itself can also be booked for self-service use.
If you wish to read certain theses, make your reservation no later than 12 noon on the morning of your visit. To reserve materials to view, click on the “contact us” button beside the document’s record in Arsca or send a message to the library (, in which you list the works you wish to view as follows: author's family name, year (for instance: Mäkinen, 2021).
If you only wish to browse theses stored in the cabinet in general, you do not need to make a material reservation in advance; booking the space is enough.
Years 2014-2019: Reference data for documentation is available in Arsca
The oldest theses from 1995–2013 are not listed in Arsca. Their reference data can be found on a separate list in Taju.
The documentations in full-text (pdf) are available via University of the Arts Helsinki Taju repository
Search example: start the search from the Taju search page: word search: surname Collection: current collection
The reference information of the Master's Thesis documentations (starting 2014) are available in Arsca.
Please use Arsca search (top right on this page):
Publishing guide : Submitting theses to Taju
In questions related to writing your proficiency demonstration, you will get help from your thesis supervisor or your academy's study services. The library helps in questions related to submitting your work into Taju through .
Instructions for compiling a list of references and information on reference techniques for Academy of Fine Arts students
ImagOA guide - Open science and use of images
Master's theses older than three years are transferred to the Uniarts Helsinki Archive. To view them, you can submit a request for archived materials to Sörnäinen Campus Library. Theses are not available on loan or inter-library loan. Theses saved to Uniarts Helsinki's institutional repository Taju can also be accessed remotely.
The location and class of a thesis transferred to the Uniarts Helsinki Archive in Arsca search service are shown as “Uniarts Helsinki Archive, Not for home loan” and ”Arkisto KuvA Opinnäytteet”.
To reserve archived materials you would like to view, click on the “Contact us” button beside the record of the document in Arsca or send a message to the library (, in which you list the works you would like to access.
You should be prepared to wait for a few days for archived material. We will send you an e-mail when the material is available at Sörnäinen Campus Library. The material is not available on loan or inter-library loan.
Please note that:
Most of the Academy of Fine Arts doctoral thesis are available in full-text in Uniarts Taju repository.
All reference data for documentations of the Academy of Fine Arts doctoral thesis is available in Arsca
The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Humanities and Social Sciences collection contains approximately one million theses projects in full from around the world, a majority being doctoral theses. An indispensable help when working on your thesis.
The reference information on other Finnish universities’ theses and dissertations can be found in National Finna search service