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Tutke Guide: Instructions for the Defender

Instructions for the Defender: Contents

1. External examination and granting the permission for public examination of the doctoral research

1.1 External examination of the artistic parts of the doctoral research

1.1.1 Artistic parts of the doctoral research
1.1.2 Appointing external examiners
1.1.3 Granting permission for the external examination of the artistic parts
1.1.4 Disseminating information on the artistic parts
1.1.5 External examination of the artistic parts
1.1.6 Approving the work as an artistic part of the doctoral research

1.2 External examination of the commentary of the doctoral research

1.2.1 Permission for external examination of the commentary and confirmation of the authenticity of the commentary with the plagiarism detection system
1.2.2 External examination of the commentary

1.3 Public examination of the doctoral research

1.3.1 Granting permission for public examination of the doctoral research
1.3.2 Opponents
1.3.3 Custos
1.3.4 Planning Officer

2. Layout and printing processes of the commentary of the doctoral research

2.1 Filling in the Publishing Agreement (separate form as an appendix)
2.2 Submitting the doctoral research for the layout process
2.3 Abstract (separate writing instructions)
2.4 Layout of the publication
2.5 Number of copies
2.6 Images
2.7 Back flap text
2.8 Proofreading

2.8.1 Corrections on the commentary of the doctoral research, PDF
2.8.2 Corrections on the commentary of the doctoral research, printed copy

3. Preparing for the public examination

3.1 Disseminating information about the public examination
3.2 Invitations to the public examination
3.3 Course of the events in the public examination

3.3.1 General information
3.3.2 Roles of the defender, the opponents and the Custos
3.3.3 Arrangements concerning the venue of the public examination
3.3.4 Arrangements concerning the course of the public examination Opening sentence Introductory lecture General statement Examination of the doctoral research Final appraisal by the opponents Public discussion

3.4 Other practical arrangements

4. Public examination as part of the doctoral degree in theatre art / dance art
5. Party in honour of the opponents
6. Accreditation of the doctorate


Writing the summary for the dissertation
Acta Scenica series lay out
Publishing Contract
Agreement on publishing the lectio praecursoria (introductory talk) on the web site