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Writing a Doctoral Arts Thesis at the MuTri Doctoral School: Reference List

Reference List

 Only sources referred to by citations in the text are put in the reference list. To ensure clarity, sources are grouped into either research artefacts (e.g., archives, interviews, recordings) or research literature. In some cases it might be that you only have a literature list. Texts in which it is not clear who the original author is can be listed according to the name and date of the publication.

If the reference list needs to be broken up into smaller categories, these will be according to the type of source material (e.g., archival, newspapers and/or periodicals, audio, interview). Archival sources will categorized under the Archival Sources category according to the names of the archives. If necessary, archives may be referred to in the main text using abbreviations, but then the abbreviations must be clarified in the reference list. If the source is not commercially available, then the reference list must indicate where it can nevertheless be found.

In the list of references, italics are used for the titles of books, newspapers, and periodicals (for example). The titles of research articles cited in the reference list, however, are not italicised – only the title of the journal or book in which they appear. (See example below).

Research material

 In addition to previous research, theses often include material that has been self-produced, e.g., a process description, portfolio, notes, interviews, a diary, a musical composition, or cultural items. This should be listed in the references as “research material”, and the material units can be added as an appendix when deemed necessary.


One example of how the reference list can be constructed:

Archival Sources

Finnish American Historical Archive, Finlandia University, Hancock, MI.
      Finnish Wäinö Band, Minute book 1894–1922. Cape Ann Collection.



Kper Teuva/0299. The old buck horn of the Perttula house. Teuva 15.5.1953. Photo: Erkki Ala-Könni.


Audio Recordings

Kper A-K 1123. Pelagea Kuljukka. Kiuruvesi 15.5.1966. Recorded by Erkki Ala-Könni.



Donovan, Patrick 2007. The day the music in nightclubs got dearer. The Age, 11.7.2007. (luettu 15.1.2015).

Helsingin Sanomat 13.2.1975. Matti Meikäläinen (obituary).

Hufvudstadsbladet 3.5.1957. Grammofonskivor.


Published Recordings

Arkistojen aarteita 1970. Several artists. Scandia SLP 541.

Koivuniemi, Paula 1982. Aikuinen nainen. Polydor 2055102.

Mårtenson, Lasse 2002 [1982]. Morgondimma (Lasse Mårtenson & Lars Huldén). Lasse Mårtenson på svenska. Mårtensong MSCD 2.


Sheet Music Publications

Kari, Virpi (ed.) 2007. Lasse Mårtenson: Lauluja, pianokappaleita, jazzmessusävelmiä, iskelmiä. Helsinki: F-Kustannus.

Melartin, Erkki 2003. Aino. Piano score of the opera. Helsinki: Fennica Gehrman Oy.




Rankaviita, Erkki i2001. Karijoki 29.4.2001. Interviewer Tuuli Talvitie. Interview tape is in possession of the researcher. A copy of the tape can be found at the University of Tampere Folklore archive, with the identifier Y/11160.

Talvitie-Kella, Tuuli i2002. An e-mail interview. Interviewer Maija Lahti. A list of questions was sent 18.12.2002, reply was received 22.12.2002. Interview in possession of the researcher.

I1 2008. Lohja 30.4.2008. Interviewer Antti-Ville Kärjä. A mini-disc recording in possession of the researcher.


Other research materials

Work diary, 2016–2017.



Literature is listed in alphabetically by the authors last name. The location of the publishing house should be mentioned (but not where the source was printed). If several locations are mentioned in relation to the publisher, it is the first one that needs to be mentioned; the others can be ignored. If you are  referring to a text originally published much earlier than the version you are using, then it is good to include the original year of publication in square brackets after the year of the version you have used. If there is a translator, they should be mentioned between the title of the publication and the publishing house location.


Lilliestam, Lars 1998. Svensk Rock. Musik, lyrik, historik. Göteborg: Bo Ejeby Förlag.

Bourdieu, Pierre 1998 [1994]. Järjen käytännöllisyys. Trans. Mika Siimes. Tampere: Vastapaino.

Adorno, Theodor & Horkheimer, Max 1979 [1944]. Dialectic of Enlightenment. Trans. John Cumming. London: Verso.

Books with Editors

Lundberg, Dan & Ternhag, Gunnar (eds.) 2000. The Musician in Focus: Individual Perspectives in Nordic Ethnomusicology. Stockholm: Kungliga Musikaliska Akademin.

Articles in Books

Sarjala, Jukka 2003. Musiikinhistoria. In Johdatus musiikintutkimukseen. Eds. Tuomas Eerola, Jukka Louhivuori & Pirkko Moisala. Acta Musicologica Fennica 24. Helsinki: Suomen musiikkitieteellinen seura, 13–30.

Khordoc, Catherine 2001. The Comic Book’s Soundtrack. Visual Sound Effects in Asterix. In The Language of Comics. Word and Image. Eds. Robin Varnum & Christina T. Gibbons. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 156–173.

Articles in Journals

Moisala, Pirkko 2001. Musiikki, kuva ja sukupuoli. Musiikki 2 (31), 87–108.

Simonett, Helena 2001. Narcocorridos: An Emerging Micromusic of Nuevo L.A. Ethnomusicology 45:2, 315–337.

Publications in the same year by the same writer will be separated alphabetically:

Hall, Stuart 1992a. The West and the Rest: Discourse and Power. In the book Formations of Modernity. Eds. Stuart Hall & Bram Gieben. Cambridge: Polity Press & Open University, 275–320.

Hall, Stuart 1992b. The Question of Cultural Identity. In Modernity and its Futures. Eds. Stuart Hall, David Held & Tony McGrew. Cambridge: Polity Press & Open University, 273–316.


Internet Sources

With sources from the internet, the principle is the same as for books and articles. The URL-address is added after the publication’s title, and it can be left as a hyperlink (blue font underlined).

The date the page was retrieved and read is marked by a date in brackets at the end: (read For in-text citations, the whole url need not be written, just the name of the author and year it appeared online; or name of the website or its headline. These details will also feature in the reference list (for example, Scott 1997; Cheek 2015).

Scott, Derek B. 1997. Orientalism and Musical Style. Critical Musicology (read 22.10.2003).

Cheek (2015) “Alpha Omega Tour 2016” (read 10.10.2015).

NB! Internet sources are not to be listed in their own category, but placed with either research materials or research literature. For instance, with the two examples above, Scott would be put under literature, while Cheek would be under materials.